In the darkest age of Japan, endless war leaves a country divided. It is the middle of the 16th Century in Feudal Japan. The country, once ruled by a unified government, is now split into many warring clans. Ten legendary warlords strive for supremacy as conspiracies and conflicts wither the empire. Only one will rise above all to win the heart of a nation as the new shogun…The others will die by his sword.
Take on the role of one Daimyo, the clan leader, and use military engagements, economics and diplomacy to achieve the ultimate goal: re-unite Japan under his supreme command and become the new Shogun – the undisputed ruler of a pacified nation.
- A new clan for use in single or multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer Battles
- 8 new unit-variants specific to the Ikko Ikki clan
- New skill trees
- New Ikko Ikki Monk Agent with his own specific skill tree
Release date : 26.05.2011
Developer : Feral Interactive (Linux)
Publisher : Feral Interactive (Linux)
Languages : English
Minimum requirements:
processor : 2 GHz – Intel Core 2 Duo / AMD Athlon X2
graphics : 256 MB VRAM – Radeon / GeForce
memory : 2 GB RAM
diskspace : 32 GB HD
system : Windows 7 / Vista / XP
other :
violence : Yes
online : Yes